Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why Are You A Stripper?

I don't think any patron who asks a stripper this does so to be annoying or to moralize. Most of the time, the question symbolizes a move to another level, that the dancer is no longer a pretty thing for the purpose of entertainment, but a human being.

This question encapsulates a host of simultaneous, complex emotions and ideas in a patron and the handling of it is the subject of much debate among dancers. Does one wave it away, say we love it, and that we get off on it? Or do we agree, say we hate it, but that our circumstances make it necessary?

The former gives license to enjoy--we enjoy, therefore, you should be able to get over it and enjoy. The latter gives it a cause--we need you, therefore, you're not a pervert for having us on your lap.

These answers aren't lies necessarily, simply incomplete answers. The truth could easily be a combination of both.

In my case, it's about resistance. I'm waging a war on reality. I want to be an active participant in the creation of the extravagant, decadent and delightful. I think it's appalling that desire and wonder have been pushed so far out of our daily lives that they can only exist for us in stolen moments like this.

That's why I do it.

(I'll leave it up to you to figure out how the Faraday cage figures in all of this.)

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